How to Create Web Stories Using ChatGPT

How to Create Web Stories Using ChatGPT: Web stories are a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories, similar to those found on social media platforms.

Using ChatGPT to create content for web stories can be a highly efficient and creative process.

Here’s how you can use ChatGPT to assist in creating content for web stories:

How to Create Web Stories Using ChatGPT

How to Create Web Stories Using ChatGPT

1. Ideation and Planning

Brainstorming Topics

Brainstorming topics is a critical first step in content creation. Here’s how ChatGPT can assist in generating ideas for engaging and relevant web stories:

  1. Trend Analysis: Ask ChatGPT to identify current trends in various sectors like technology, fashion, health, or finance. For instance, “What are the latest trends in sustainable fashion?” This can help you pinpoint topics that are likely to resonate with your audience.
  2. Interest-Based Suggestions: Share your interests or your audience’s interests with ChatGPT, and ask for topic suggestions based on those interests. For example, if your audience is interested in outdoor activities, you could ask, “Can you suggest some web story ideas for outdoor enthusiasts?”
  3. Event-Driven Content: Request ideas for content that aligns with upcoming events, holidays, or seasons. This ensures your web stories are timely and relevant. For instance, “Suggest web story ideas for the upcoming holiday season.”
  4. Competitor Analysis: While ChatGPT doesn’t browse the internet, you can still ask for generic content ideas that are popular in your niche. For example, “What are common web story topics in the wellness industry?”
  5. Audience Engagement: Consider asking ChatGPT for ideas that encourage user interaction, such as stories featuring quizzes, polls, or user-generated content prompts.

Outline Creation

Once you’ve selected a topic, creating a detailed outline is crucial for structuring your web story effectively. Here’s how ChatGPT can help:

  1. Beginning (Introduction): Ask ChatGPT to craft an introduction that hooks the reader immediately. This part should introduce the topic and hint at what the audience can expect to learn or experience.
  2. Middle (Body): The body of your story is where the main content lies. Depending on the story, this could include:
    • Informational Content: Key facts, figures, and insights. For an informative piece, ask ChatGPT, “Outline key points about [topic].”
    • Narrative Content: A sequence of events or steps. For a narrative or how-to guide, you might ask, “What are the essential steps or plot points for a story about [topic]?”
    • Interactive Elements: Suggestions for quizzes, polls, or interactive graphics. You can request, “Suggest interactive elements for a web story on [topic].”
  3. End (Conclusion): The conclusion should wrap up the story neatly and leave the audience with a takeaway or call to action. Ask ChatGPT to provide a concise summary of the story and suggest a CTA, like encouraging viewers to subscribe, share, or follow for more content.
  4. Key Points: For each section of your story, identify the key points that you want to highlight. These could be facts, questions, quotes, or insights that you want your audience to remember.
  5. Visual and Multimedia Elements: Though ChatGPT can’t create visual content, it can suggest types of images, videos, or graphics that would complement your text. For instance, “What types of visuals should accompany a web story about [topic]?”

By leveraging ChatGPT for brainstorming and outline creation, you can streamline your content development process and ensure that your web stories are both engaging and well-structured. Remember to refine and adapt the suggestions based on your unique style and audience preferences.

2. Writing Content

Drafting Text

The drafting phase is where your web story begins to take shape. Given the format’s emphasis on brevity and visual storytelling, the text must be concise yet impactful. Here’s how to approach this with ChatGPT:

  • Introductions: Start by asking ChatGPT to craft a compelling opening line or paragraph. This should grab the reader’s attention and clearly introduce the story’s theme. Given the visual nature of web stories, consider prompts like, “Write a captivating introduction for a web story on [topic] that encourages readers to swipe up.”
  • Explanations: For the body of your content, the explanations need to be concise and easy to understand. Break down your topic into bite-sized pieces. Ask ChatGPT, “Explain [concept] in two sentences for a web story slide.”
  • Conclusions: Conclusions in web stories should encourage reflection or action. They must be brief and to the point. A prompt like, “Write a concise conclusion for a web story on [topic] that includes a call to action,” would be effective.
  • Text for Visuals: Since web stories are highly visual, you’ll often need text overlays for images or videos. ChatGPT can help by generating short captions or descriptive texts that complement your visuals. For example, “Create a caption for an image showcasing [scene].”

Creating Dialogues or Narratives

For web stories that include characters or follow a narrative structure, creating engaging dialogues and story arcs is crucial. ChatGPT can assist in several ways:

  • Character Dialogue: If your story includes characters, crafting authentic and engaging dialogues is key. You can ask ChatGPT for help by specifying your characters’ personalities and the context. For example, “Write a dialogue between a seasoned chef and a beginner cook discussing the importance of fresh ingredients.”
  • Narrative Arcs: For stories that unfold over several slides, maintaining a coherent and compelling narrative arc is important. ChatGPT can help outline a story arc that includes a setup, conflict, and resolution. You might ask, “Outline a narrative arc for a web story about overcoming fear.”
  • Interactive Stories: Involving the audience through choices that affect the story’s outcome can make your web stories more engaging. ChatGPT can help brainstorm branching narratives or decision points. For instance, “Suggest key decision points for an interactive story about choosing the right career path.”

Tips for Writing Web Story Content with ChatGPT:

  • Keep It Simple: Web stories are consumed quickly, so simplicity is key. Ensure your requests to ChatGPT reflect the need for brevity.
  • Focus on Visual Compatibility: Always consider how text will work with visuals. Ask ChatGPT for text that complements or enhances the visual elements of your story.
  • Iterate and Refine: Don’t hesitate to refine the drafts. You might not get the perfect text on the first try, so use feedback loops to hone the content.
  • Engage Emotionally: Emotional engagement can significantly enhance the impact of your web stories. Whether through humor, empathy, or inspiration, aim to evoke emotions in your audience with the text.

By leveraging ChatGPT in these ways, you can efficiently produce text that is not only tailored to the web story format but also resonates with your audience, ensuring your stories are both memorable and engaging.

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3. Visual and Multimedia Elements

The inclusion of visual and multimedia elements is crucial in web stories, as these components significantly enhance the storytelling experience, making it more engaging and immersive. Here’s how you can utilize ChatGPT to enrich your web stories with visual and multimedia elements effectively:

Image Descriptions for DALL·E or Stock Images

Since web stories are predominantly visual, having the right images is key to capturing your audience’s attention and conveying your message. Here’s how to craft requests for image descriptions that can be used to generate or find images:

  • Detailed Descriptions: Provide ChatGPT with specific details about what you envision for your images. Include information about the scene, mood, colors, objects, and any characters or actions taking place. For example, “Describe an image of a cozy, dimly-lit reading nook with rain visible through a large window, including a steaming mug of tea on the windowsill.”
  • Purpose of the Image: Explain the role of the image within your story. Is it meant to set the scene, explain a concept, or invoke an emotion? This context helps generate more appropriate descriptions. For instance, “I need an image to illustrate the tranquility of morning routines. Can you describe a scene that combines yoga with sunrise?”
  • Adherence to Themes: Make sure the image descriptions adhere to your story’s theme and tone. If your story is about sustainability, you might want descriptions that emphasize greenery, eco-friendly technology, or sustainable living practices.

Scripting for Videos

Videos within web stories offer a dynamic way to present information, tell a story, or showcase products. Here’s how to approach scripting for video content:

  • Outline the Video Content: Before requesting a script, outline the key messages or story beats you want the video to cover. This might include an introduction to the topic, a series of informational points or narrative elements, and a conclusion or call to action.
  • Script Requests: With your outline in hand, ask ChatGPT to draft a script that translates your points into engaging video content. Be clear about the video’s length and style, as this will influence the script’s pacing and tone. For instance, “Write a script for a 30-second video explaining the importance of coral reefs to marine ecosystems, suitable for a young audience.”
  • Incorporate Visual Cues: Since videos in web stories are often short and rely heavily on visual storytelling, ask ChatGPT to include suggestions for visuals that could accompany each part of the script. For example, “Include visual cues in the script for a video on DIY home gardening, such as close-ups of planting seeds and watering plants.”
  • Descriptions for Accessibility: Don’t forget to include video descriptions or alt text for those with visual impairments. ChatGPT can help by providing concise descriptions of your video content, ensuring your web stories are accessible to a broader audience.

Tips for Utilizing Visual and Multimedia Elements:

  • Consistency: Ensure your visual and multimedia elements maintain a consistent style and theme throughout the story to create a cohesive experience.
  • Accessibility: Beyond video descriptions, consider how all your visual elements can be made accessible. Use clear, easy-to-read fonts for text overlays and ensure there is high contrast between text and backgrounds.
  • Engagement: Use visuals and videos not just to decorate but to genuinely engage and inform your audience. Each element should add value to your story and encourage the viewer to keep tapping through.

By thoughtfully integrating visual and multimedia elements into your web stories, you can significantly enhance the narrative, making it more engaging and memorable for your audience.

4. Interaction Design

Incorporating interactive elements and compelling calls to action (CTAs) into your web stories can significantly enhance user engagement and drive specific outcomes. Here’s how to leverage ChatGPT for designing interactive features and creating effective CTAs:

Interactive Elements

Interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and Q&A sections make your web stories more engaging and can provide valuable feedback or insights from your audience. Here’s how ChatGPT can assist in creating these elements:

  • Quizzes: Quizzes are a great way to educate and entertain your audience simultaneously. ChatGPT can help you come up with quiz questions and answers related to your story’s theme. For instance, if your story is about space exploration, you might ask, “Generate 5 multiple-choice questions for a quiz on Mars exploration.”
  • Polls: Polls allow you to gauge audience opinions or preferences quickly. Use ChatGPT to formulate poll questions that are concise and relevant to your content. For example, “Suggest 3 poll questions to understand readers’ favorite renewable energy sources.”
  • Q&A Sections: A Q&A section can address common questions or concerns related to your story’s topic. Ask ChatGPT to list frequently asked questions along with concise answers. For instance, “What are common questions about adopting a plant-based diet, and how would you answer them briefly?”

When creating interactive elements, ensure the questions are clear and the answers (or response options) are straightforward. Keep the interaction quick and engaging, considering the mobile-first nature of web stories.

Calls to Action (CTAs)

CTAs are crucial for guiding your audience towards a desired action, such as subscribing to a newsletter, visiting a website, or following social media channels. Here’s how ChatGPT can help craft CTAs that convert:

  • Clarity and Urgency: A good CTA is clear about what you’re asking the audience to do and often includes an element of urgency or incentive. Ask ChatGPT to draft CTAs that are direct and include a compelling reason to take action. For example, “Write a CTA for a web story on fitness encouraging readers to sign up for a free trial at a gym.”
  • Personalization: Personalized CTAs tend to perform better. ChatGPT can help create CTAs that feel more personalized to your audience’s interests and needs. For example, “Create a personalized CTA for readers who completed a quiz on sustainable living habits.”
  • Variety: It’s beneficial to test different CTAs to see what works best with your audience. ChatGPT can generate a variety of CTA phrases and formats for A/B testing. For example, “Generate 5 different CTAs for encouraging users to download an eco-friendly living guide.”

Tips for Designing Interaction and CTAs:

  • Integration: Ensure interactive elements and CTAs are seamlessly integrated into the flow of your web story, both visually and contextually.
  • Accessibility: Make sure all interactive elements are accessible, with clear labels for screen readers and easy navigation for those with mobility impairments.
  • Analytics: If possible, track how users interact with these elements to understand their preferences and improve future stories.

Interactive elements and CTAs not only make your web stories more engaging but also help build a relationship with your audience and encourage them to take meaningful actions. By thoughtfully integrating these features, you can enhance the overall impact of your web stories.

5. Editing and Refinement

The Editing and Refinement stage is crucial in polishing your web story to ensure it’s clear, cohesive, and captivating for your audience. Let’s explore how ChatGPT can aid in proofreading and providing feedback on the flow and coherence of your story.


Proofreading is the process of reviewing your final draft to correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors. It’s also about ensuring clarity and consistency in your writing. Here’s how ChatGPT can assist in this process:

  • Grammar and Spelling Checks: ChatGPT can help identify and correct common grammar and spelling mistakes. Although it’s highly effective, it’s also a good idea to use dedicated proofreading tools or software for a thorough check.
  • Clarity and Conciseness: ChatGPT can suggest ways to make sentences clearer and more concise. For example, if a sentence or paragraph seems convoluted, you can ask, “How can I rewrite this for clarity?” or “Can this be made more concise?”
  • Tone Consistency: Ensure that your story maintains a consistent tone throughout. ChatGPT can help review sections of your text and suggest adjustments to align with the desired tone, whether it’s formal, informal, educational, or entertaining.

Feedback on Flow and Coherence

The flow and coherence of your story are about how well your content progresses from one point to the next and how logically the ideas are connected. This is what makes a story engaging and easy to follow. ChatGPT can provide valuable feedback in this area:

  • Evaluating Story Structure: Share your story outline or the actual content with ChatGPT and ask for feedback on the structure. Questions like, “Does this story flow logically?” or “Is there a better way to organize these ideas?” can prompt useful insights.
  • Transition Smoothness: Transitions between sections or ideas are critical for maintaining flow. ChatGPT can suggest transition words or sentences that help link ideas more smoothly, ensuring the narrative moves seamlessly from one point to the next.
  • Engagement and Interest Checks: Ask ChatGPT to assess whether certain sections of your story are engaging or if they might lose the reader’s interest. For example, “Is the introduction strong enough to capture interest?” or “Does this section maintain the reader’s engagement?”

Tips for Editing and Refinement with ChatGPT:

  • Iterative Process: Editing and refinement are iterative. Don’t hesitate to go through multiple rounds of feedback and corrections with ChatGPT to polish your content.
  • Focus on User Experience: Always keep the end user in mind. Ensure the text is not only error-free and coherent but also enjoyable and easy to read on various devices.
  • Use Additional Tools: While ChatGPT is a powerful tool for editing and providing feedback, complementing it with specialized proofreading software (like Grammarly) and readability checkers can further enhance the quality of your content.
  • Seek External Feedback: Finally, consider getting feedback from actual users or readers if possible. They can offer insights that automated tools might miss, especially regarding how engaging and understandable your content is.

By thoroughly editing your content and refining its flow, you ensure that your web story not only looks professional but also provides a seamless and enjoyable experience for your audience.

6. SEO and Accessibility

Enhancing your web story with SEO and ensuring its accessibility are crucial steps toward reaching a wider audience and providing an inclusive user experience. Here’s how ChatGPT can assist in these areas:

SEO Tips

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for web stories involves optimizing your content so it ranks higher in search engine results, making it more visible to potential readers. Here’s how ChatGPT can help:

  • Keyword Research and Placement: While ChatGPT doesn’t perform live internet searches, it can offer advice on how to conduct keyword research using SEO tools and suggest best practices for keyword placement in your content, titles, and metadata to improve visibility.
  • Metadata Descriptions: ChatGPT can help craft compelling metadata descriptions that incorporate your primary keywords. These descriptions are crucial for search engines and users to understand what your story is about.
  • Headlines and Titles: Ask ChatGPT to generate SEO-friendly headlines and titles that include your main keywords and are enticing to potential readers. A well-crafted title can significantly impact your story’s click-through rate from search results.
  • Alt Text for Images: Including descriptive alt text for images not only benefits SEO but also improves accessibility. ChatGPT can suggest descriptive texts for your images that include relevant keywords.
  • Structured Data: ChatGPT can provide general advice on using structured data (like to help search engines better understand and index your content. This could include suggestions for marking up articles, reviews, or author information.

Accessibility Checks

Making your web stories accessible means ensuring that everyone, including people with disabilities, can access and enjoy your content. ChatGPT can offer guidelines on how to achieve this:

  • Text Contrast and Size: ChatGPT can provide general guidelines on text contrast ratios and font sizes that enhance readability for users with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard Navigation: ChatGPT can explain the importance of ensuring that your web story is navigable using a keyboard, which is crucial for users who cannot use a mouse or touchscreen.
  • Alt Text and Descriptions: Beyond SEO, alt text for images and videos is essential for users who rely on screen readers. ChatGPT can guide how to write effective alt text that describes the visual content.
  • Captions and Transcripts for Videos: For users who are deaf or hard of hearing, having captions or transcripts for video and audio content is crucial. ChatGPT can suggest best practices for creating and integrating captions.
  • Avoiding Seizure-Triggering Content: ChatGPT can advise on avoiding content that could trigger seizures, such as rapidly flashing lights or certain visual patterns.

Tips for Implementing SEO and Accessibility with ChatGPT:

  • Holistic Approach: Incorporate SEO and accessibility considerations from the start of your content creation process, not just as an afterthought.
  • Continuous Learning: SEO and web accessibility standards evolve, so use ChatGPT to stay informed about current best practices and guidelines.
  • Testing and Validation: Utilize SEO and accessibility testing tools to check your content before publishing. While ChatGPT provides guidance, automated tools can help identify specific issues needing correction.
  • User Testing: If possible, conduct user testing with individuals who have disabilities to get direct feedback on the accessibility of your content.

By focusing on SEO and accessibility, you not only expand your audience but also ensure a more inclusive and equitable web environment. These practices demonstrate your commitment to serving a diverse audience and can significantly enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

7. Export and Integration

The final step in creating web stories—Export and Integration—ensures your content is ready for publication and distribution on your chosen platform. Different platforms might have specific requirements for formatting, file types, and interactive elements. Here’s how ChatGPT can assist in preparing your content for various platforms, with a focus on formatting guidelines:

Understanding Platform Requirements

Each platform that supports web stories may have its own set of technical specifications, content guidelines, and best practices. Examples include Google Web Stories for WordPress, Adobe Spark, and more. Here’s how to approach this with ChatGPT:

  • Guideline Overview: While ChatGPT’s knowledge is based on information available up to its last training cut-off, it can provide a general overview of common platform requirements for web stories. For instance, you might ask, “What are general guidelines for creating web stories on WordPress?”
  • Formatting Advice: ChatGPT can offer advice on how to format your content to meet specific platform guidelines, such as recommended image resolutions, aspect ratios, text sizes, and file formats.
  • Interactive Features: If your chosen platform supports interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or animations, ChatGPT can suggest ways to incorporate these into your story in line with platform capabilities.

Tailoring Content to Platform Specifications

Once you’re familiar with the platform’s requirements, the next step is to tailor your content accordingly:

  • Adapting Text Content: Based on platform guidelines, ChatGPT can help adjust the length of your text, suggest suitable heading sizes, and ensure that your narrative fits the expected flow of a web story.
  • Visual and Multimedia Elements: ChatGPT can guide on optimizing images and videos, including compression without significant loss of quality, choosing the right formats, and creating visuals that fit the required dimensions and aspect ratios.
  • Accessibility and SEO Optimization: Depending on the platform, there may be specific tools or fields for enhancing accessibility and SEO. ChatGPT can provide suggestions for alt texts, metadata descriptions, and structured data that align with platform features designed to improve visibility and accessibility.

Final Checks and Integration

Before exporting and integrating your web story, here are some final considerations:

  • Preview and Test: Most platforms offer a way to preview your story before it goes live. Use this feature to ensure everything looks as expected on different devices. ChatGPT can assist by providing a checklist for final reviews, focusing on layout, load times, and interactive element functionality.
  • Platform-Specific Features: Some platforms may offer unique features like analytics, monetization options, or enhanced interactivity. ChatGPT can suggest how to best utilize these features to maximize the impact and reach of your web story.
  • Publishing and Promotion: After integrating your web story, consider asking ChatGPT for strategies on promoting your story through social media, email newsletters, or other channels to increase visibility.


Adapting your web stories to meet platform-specific requirements is crucial for maximizing reach and engagement. ChatGPT can be a valuable resource in this process, providing guidance on formatting, optimization, and final preparations for your stories. Always refer to the latest platform guidelines and utilize the available tools and features to ensure your content delivers the best possible user experience.

Tips for Effective Use

Maximizing the effectiveness of ChatGPT in your content creation process, especially for web stories, hinges on how precisely you communicate your needs and how you leverage the tool’s capacity for iterative improvement. Here’s a deeper look at these strategies:

Specificity is Key

Being specific with your requests to ChatGPT helps in crafting content that closely aligns with your vision. Here’s how to ensure specificity:

  • Detailed Descriptions: Whether you’re asking for text, story ideas, or advice on formatting, providing detailed descriptions of what you need can greatly improve the relevance of ChatGPT’s responses. For example, instead of asking for “a blog post on cooking,” specify “a 300-word introduction for a beginner’s guide to Italian cooking, focusing on easy pasta dishes.”
  • Context Matters: Give ChatGPT as much context as possible. This includes the target audience, the purpose of the content, and any stylistic preferences. The more context you provide, the more tailored the output will be.
  • Use Examples: If possible, provide examples of similar content or outcomes you’re aiming for. This could be in the form of links to existing web stories, specific phrases you want to include, or styles you’re looking to emulate.

Iterative Process

The process of refining and iterating content with ChatGPT is essential for achieving the best possible results. Here’s how to approach this iterative process:

  • Feedback Loops: After receiving an initial output from ChatGPT, review it critically and identify areas for improvement. Provide specific feedback to ChatGPT about what you liked and what could be better. For example, “The introduction captures the topic well, but can we make it more engaging by adding a question to the reader?”
  • Incremental Adjustments: Instead of seeking perfection in one go, make incremental adjustments. Focus on refining one aspect at a time, such as improving the clarity of the explanation, making the tone more consistent, or enhancing the call to action.
  • Explore Variations: Don’t hesitate to ask ChatGPT for multiple variations of a piece of content. This can be especially useful for headlines, social media posts, or CTAs where experimenting with different wordings can lead to more effective outcomes.
  • Learn and Adapt: Pay attention to which inputs and refinements yield the best results. Over time, you’ll get a better sense of how to frame your requests to ChatGPT to get the most out of the tool for your specific needs.

Additional Tips for Effective Use

  • Stay Updated: ChatGPT’s capabilities and limitations evolve. Staying informed about the latest updates and features can help you use the tool more effectively.
  • Combine with Other Tools: While ChatGPT can significantly aid in content creation, combining its use with other tools—for instance, SEO optimization tools, grammar checkers, or analytics platforms—can further enhance the quality and impact of your content.
  • Creative Collaboration: View ChatGPT as a creative collaborator. While it can provide a solid foundation and ideas, the final creative direction and decisions should align with your unique voice and objectives.

Adopting a detailed, iterative approach when working with ChatGPT can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of your content creation process, especially for dynamic formats like web stories.


Creating content for web stories with ChatGPT can streamline your workflow, spark creativity, and ensure your stories are engaging and informative. Remember to keep your audience in mind and leverage the versatility of ChatGPT to enhance your storytelling in this dynamic format.

ChatGPT empowers creators to deliver compelling stories with efficiency and creativity. As you harness the capabilities of ChatGPT, remember to continuously refine your approach based on feedback and evolving storytelling techniques, ensuring that your web stories remain relevant, engaging, and impactful in the ever-changing digital landscape.

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