What is Web Stories and How to Generate Passive Income with Web Stories 2024

What is Web Stories and How to Generate Passive Income with Web Stories

Are you Struggling with capturing your audience’s attention in the ever-evolving digital landscape?

Web Stories might just be the solution you’ve been searching for. This innovative, visually-driven format offers a fresh way to engage viewers, blending the allure of storytelling with the dynamic appeal of multimedia. But Web Stories aren’t just about grabbing attention; they’re also a potent tool for monetization, where potential to turn these captivating narratives into a revenue stream is immense.

In this guide, we’ll explore the essentials of Web Stories — from their creation to the pivotal strategies for driving traffic and, crucially, how to monetize them effectively. Unlock the secrets to transforming your Web Stories into a profitable venture, leveraging SEO, social media, and the right monetization tools to not just tell stories, but to also achieve financial success.

What is Web Stories?

Web Stories are a web-based version of the popular “stories” format that blends video, audio, images, animation, and text to create a dynamic, full-screen content experience. Originally developed by Google as part of its AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) project, Web Stories aim to provide a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories.

Web Stories enable publishers and web content creators to produce engaging and interactive narratives that can be easily shared and embedded across sites and apps without being confined to a specific ecosystem, unlike social media stories found on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook. This format is designed to be fast-loading and immersive, enhancing the mobile web experience for users.

Key features of Web Stories include:

  1. Full-Screen Experience: They are intended to be viewed in a full-screen mode, providing an immersive experience for the audience.
  2. Rich Media Support: Supports the use of images, videos, and audio, along with text and animations, to create compelling and engaging content.
  3. Interactive: This can include interactive elements like quizzes and polls.
  4. Shareability and Openness: Unlike stories on social media platforms, Web Stories are part of the open web, which means they can be shared and embedded across sites and platforms.
  5. SEO-Friendly: Being part of the open web, they are indexed by search engines, making them a powerful tool for improving search visibility and driving traffic to a website.
  6. Monetization: Publishers can monetize Web Stories through advertising and affiliate links, providing a potential revenue stream.

Google provides tools and guidelines for creating Web Stories, and there are various third-party tools and platforms that also support the creation of this content format. Web Stories offer a creative and versatile way for content creators to tell stories and reach audiences on the mobile web.

10 Reasons to Create Web Stories

Web Stories have been adopted by the web as an open standard, allowing creators to publish immersive stories directly on their websites or through search engines like Google. Here are ten reasons to create Web Stories:

  1. Visual Appeal: Web Stories make content more engaging and visually appealing, using a mix of multimedia elements to capture the audience’s attention.
  2. Mobile Friendly: Designed with a mobile-first approach, Web Stories provides an excellent user experience on smartphones, making content easily accessible and enjoyable on the go.
  3. Improved User Experience: The full-screen, immersive nature of Web Stories enhances the user experience, making it more interactive and engaging compared to traditional web content.
  4. Boost SEO: By incorporating Web Stories into your website, you can improve your site’s SEO. Google often features Web Stories in search results, increasing visibility and driving more traffic to your site.
  5. Social Media Sharing: Web Stories can be easily shared on social media platforms, increasing your content’s reach and engagement with a broader audience.
  6. Storytelling: The format is ideal for storytelling, allowing creators to build narratives that are more compelling and memorable than standard articles or posts.
  7. Brand Awareness: Web Stories offer a unique opportunity to enhance brand awareness in a creative and engaging way, helping to differentiate your brand from competitors.
  8. Diverse Content Types: You can use a variety of content types within Web Stories, including text, photos, videos, and animations, to keep your audience engaged and convey your message effectively.
  9. Analytics and Insights: Many platforms that support Web Stories also provide analytics and insights, helping creators understand audience behavior and preferences to optimize future stories.
  10. Stay Ahead of the Curve: By adopting Web Stories early, you can stay ahead of digital marketing trends, capturing your audience’s attention in innovative ways and setting your content apart from the competition.

Creating Web Stories allows content creators, marketers, and brands to leverage the power of storytelling in a format that’s optimized for modern web and mobile consumption, offering a rich, engaging user experience that can enhance visibility, engagement, and conversion.

How to Create Web Story in WordPress?

Creating a Web Story in WordPress involves using a mix of visual storytelling and web technologies to produce immersive, engaging content that’s easily shareable and accessible across the web. Google’s Web Stories for WordPress plugin simplifies this process, providing tools and templates to create stories with ease. Here’s a step-by-step guide to create a Web Story in WordPress:

Step 1: Install the Web Stories Plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for Web Stories by Google.
  4. Install and then Activate the plugin.

Step 2: Create a New Story

  1. Once activated, you’ll find a new Stories menu item in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on Stories > Add New to start creating your Web Story.

Step 3: Choose a Template or Start from Scratch

  • The plugin offers a variety of templates to get started. You can choose one that fits your story’s theme or start with a blank canvas.

Step 4: Design Your Story

  1. Add Media: Use the media library to upload images, videos, and GIFs.
  2. Insert Text: Click on the “T” icon to add text. You can customize the font, size, color, and positioning.
  3. Use Shapes and Stickers: Enhance your story with shapes and stickers for visual interest.
  4. Add Pages: Stories can be multiple pages. Use the “+” button to add more pages to your story.

Step 5: Finalize Your Story

  1. Preview: Use the preview button to see how your story looks on different devices.
  2. Check for Errors: The plugin automatically checks for errors that might affect your story’s visibility and prompts you to fix them.

Step 6: Publish Your Story

  • Once satisfied with your story, click on Publish. You can also save your story as a draft to work on it later.

Additional Tips:

  • Optimize Media: Ensure images and videos are optimized for the web to improve loading times and performance.
  • Engage Viewers: Use interactive elements like polls and quizzes to engage viewers.
  • SEO: Fill in the story’s description and metadata to make it SEO-friendly.

Step 7: Share Your Story

  • After publishing, share your story’s URL on social media, email, or embed it on your website to reach a wider audience.

Creating Web Stories in WordPress is an excellent way to tell engaging stories that stand out. With the Web Stories plugin, WordPress users have a powerful tool to create visually compelling content that’s mobile-friendly and easy to share.

Bonus Step: 7 More Platforms to Create Web Stories

  1. MakeStories: MakeStories is specifically designed for web story creation, offering an extensive range of templates, animations, and interactive elements. The platform emphasizes ease of use, allowing for drag-and-drop functionality in the story creation process.
  2. Newsroom AI: Newsroom AI focuses on enabling publishers and marketers to create, manage, and distribute web stories across various channels. It aims to enhance engagement and reach through web stories as a medium.
  3. Tappabl: Tappable provides a platform centered around interactive and immersive web stories. It includes features for monetization, analytics, and hosting, making web stories a more viable channel for content creators and businesses.
  4. Cero: Ceros is an interactive content creation platform that allows for the design of engaging digital content without the need for coding. While it’s not exclusively for web stories, its capabilities are well-suited for creating similar types of content.
  5. Adobe Spark: Adobe Spark offers a set of design tools for creating web pages, graphics, and short videos. Its web page creation tools can be used to craft content similar to web stories, enriched with multimedia elements.
  6. Joomag: Joomag is a comprehensive platform for digital publishing, offering tools for the creation, distribution, and monetization of digital magazines, catalogs, and similar content that can be adapted for web stories.
  7. Visme: Visme is a versatile tool for creating visual content, including presentations, infographics, and reports. It also supports the creation of engaging web stories with its interactive design elements.

Each of these platforms offers unique features tailored to different aspects of web story creation, from design and interactivity to distribution and analytics. Depending on your specific needs—whether for marketing, storytelling, or content creation—you can choose the platform that best fits your objectives.

6 Rules You Must Follow While Creating Web Stories

Creating Web Stories offers a dynamic way to engage with your audience, but to maximize their effectiveness and ensure a positive user experience, certain rules should be followed. Here are six essential guidelines for creating Web Stories:

1. Do Not Click Bait

Avoid using misleading titles or descriptions to lure viewers into clicking your story. The content of your story should accurately reflect the title and description. Misleading your audience can damage your credibility and negatively impact the user experience.

To keep the story coherent and focused, limit yourself to including one unique link per slide. This approach helps in maintaining the viewer’s attention on the specific content or action you want them to take, without overwhelming them with too many options.

Restrict the use of affiliate links to just one within the entire story. This limitation is crucial to ensure that your content remains engaging and informative, rather than being perceived as overly promotional or spammy.

4. Crisp Title and Precise Text

The title of your Web Story should be concise and to the point, clearly indicating what the story is about. Similarly, keep the text on each slide brief and precise, making it easy for viewers to quickly grasp the message you’re conveying. This approach helps in retaining the viewer’s attention throughout the story.

5. Attractive Images

Use high-quality, visually appealing images that are relevant to your story’s content. Attractive images can significantly enhance the viewer’s experience, making the story more engaging and memorable.

6. Video in Slides Less Than 15 Seconds

If you’re incorporating video content into your slides, ensure each video is less than 15 seconds. Shorter videos are more likely to retain the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged with your story from start to finish.

By adhering to these six rules, you can create Web Stories that are not only captivating and enjoyable for your audience but also respectful of their time and attention.

How to get traffic on Web Stories?

Driving traffic to your Web Stories involves a combination of strategic content creation, SEO optimization, and leveraging various distribution channels. Here are key strategies to increase visibility and attract more viewers to your Web Stories:

1. Optimize for SEO

  • Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your story’s title, description, and throughout the content to improve its visibility in search engine results.
  • Structured Data: Implement structured data (JSON-LD) to help search engines understand and index your content more effectively.
  • AMP Validation: Ensure your Web Stories are AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) validated to boost their search engine rankings.

2. Leverage Social Media

  • Share on Social Platforms: Promote your Web Stories on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Use engaging captions and hashtags to expand your reach.
  • Instagram Stories & Snapchat: Use these platforms to share previews or snippets of your Web Stories, with a swipe-up link or a call-to-action directing viewers to the full story.

3. Email Marketing

  • Newsletter: Include your Web Stories in your email newsletters. A compelling call-to-action can encourage your subscribers to check out your stories.
  • Email Signatures: Add a link to your latest Web Story in your email signature as a subtle way to drive traffic.

4. Embed on Your Website

  • Blog Posts and Pages: Embed Web Stories in relevant blog posts or pages on your website. This can not only enhance your content but also keep visitors engaged.

5. Collaborate with Other Creators

  • Partnerships: Partner with other content creators or brands to feature each other’s Web Stories. This can help you reach new audiences.
  • Guest Web Stories: Create guest Web Stories for popular websites or blogs in your niche to tap into their audience.

6. Utilize Analytics

  • Track Performance: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your Web Stories. Understanding which stories perform well can help you refine your content strategy.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different titles, images, and content formats to see what resonates best with your audience.

7. Paid Advertising

  • Social Media Ads: Invest in social media advertising to promote your Web Stories to a targeted audience.
  • Google Ads: Use Google Ads to drive traffic to your Web Stories, especially if they’re hosted on your own website.

8. Engage with Your Audience

  • Encourage Interaction: Ask questions or encourage feedback within your Web Stories to increase engagement.
  • Respond to Comments: Engage with your audience by responding to comments on social media or within the story platform itself.

By implementing these strategies, you can increase the visibility of your Web Stories, engage a wider audience, and drive more traffic to your content. Consistency and creativity in your approach are key to sustaining and growing your audience over time.

How to Generate Passive Income With Web Stories?

how to generate passive income with web stories What is google Web Stories Create Web Story in WordPress get traffic List Tools Required tutorial earn money online affiliate marketing Rakesh Inani SEO make money traffic

Monetizing Web Stories can be a lucrative way to leverage engaging, short-form content. Here are several strategies to consider if you’re looking to generate revenue from your Web Stories:

1. Advertising

  • Programmatic Ads: Use automated advertising platforms to place ads within your stories. Platforms like Google Ad Manager and AdSense now support ads in AMP stories.
  • Direct Sponsorships: Partner with brands for sponsored content. Create stories featuring a brand’s product or service in exchange for payment.

2. Affiliate Marketing

  • Affiliate Links: Include affiliate links within your stories. When a viewer clicks on the link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. Ensure you disclose affiliate links to maintain transparency with your audience.

3. Sponsored Content

  • Brand Partnerships: Collaborate with brands to create content that aligns with both your audience’s interests and the brand’s marketing goals. This can be a direct sponsorship where a brand pays you to create a story featuring their product or service.

4. Subscriptions and Memberships

  • Exclusive Content: Offer premium Web Stories exclusively to subscribers or members of your website. This could be part of a broader membership program that includes other perks.

5. Lead Generation

  • Product Promotion: Use Web Stories to promote your own products or services. This direct approach can help boost sales and service sign-ups.
  • Email List Building: Include call-to-actions (CTAs) in your stories encouraging viewers to sign up for your newsletter. You can monetize your email list through exclusive offers, promotions, or access to premium content.

6. E-commerce Integration

  • Shopping Features: Platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce offer integration options for selling products directly through Web Stories. Feature products in your stories with direct links to your e-commerce store.

7. Content Syndication

  • Licensing Content: Create high-quality, evergreen Web Stories that can be licensed to other publishers or platforms. This can be a recurring revenue stream if your content remains relevant and in demand.

8. Donations and Crowdfunding

  • Support Links: Platforms like Patreon and Ko-fi allow creators to receive donations or monthly subscriptions from fans. Include links in your stories or bio encouraging viewers to support your work.

Implementing These Strategies Effectively

  • Quality Content: Regardless of the monetization strategy, the key to success is creating compelling, high-quality Web Stories that engage your audience.
  • Analytics: Use analytics to understand what resonates with your audience. Tailor your content and monetization strategies based on these insights.
  • Transparency: Be transparent about ads, sponsorships, and affiliate links. Trust is crucial for maintaining a loyal audience.
  • Diversification: Don’t rely on a single monetization method. Diversify your revenue streams to maximize income and mitigate risks.

By exploring these monetization strategies, you can find the best ways to turn your Web Stories into a profitable aspect of your content portfolio.

List of Tools Required to Make Money by Webstories

Monetizing Web Stories involves a blend of content strategy, audience engagement, and leveraging the right tools to facilitate revenue generation. Here are essential tools and resources you might need to effectively monetize your Web Stories:

1. Google Ad Manager

  • What It Does: Allows you to manage and serve ads in your Web Stories. You can use it to display targeted ads to your audience, maximizing your ad revenue potential.
  • Website: Google Ad Manager

2. Google AdSense

  • What It Does: Enables you to easily place ads in your Web Stories with minimal setup. It’s more straightforward than Google Ad Manager and suitable for those new to ad placements.
  • Website: Google AdSense

3. Affiliate Networks

4. E-commerce Platforms

  • Examples Include: Shopify, WooCommerce.
  • What They Do: Integrate your Web Stories with your online store. You can feature products directly in your stories, linking to your e-commerce platform for purchases.
  • Websites:

5. Email Marketing Tools

  • Examples Include: Mailchimp, Constant Contact.
  • What They Do: Help capture email addresses through your Web Stories for newsletters or email marketing campaigns. You can monetize by promoting products, services, or exclusive content to your email list.
  • Websites:

6. Analytics Tools

  • Examples Include: Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics.
  • What They Do: Provide insights into how your Web Stories are performing. Understanding your audience’s behavior can help you optimize your monetization strategies.
  • Websites:

7. Social Media Management Tools

  • Examples Include: Hootsuite, Buffer.
  • What They Do: Assist in promoting your Web Stories across social media platforms to drive traffic. More traffic can lead to higher ad revenue and affiliate sales.
  • Websites:

8. Content Creation Tools

  • Examples Include: Adobe Creative Cloud, Canva.
  • What They Do: Essential for creating high-quality, engaging content for your Web Stories. Attractive visuals and compelling narratives can increase viewer engagement and ad revenue.
  • Websites:

9. Subscription Management Platforms

  • Examples Include: Patreon, Memberful.
  • What They Do: Enable you to set up subscription-based access to exclusive Web Stories or additional content, creating a direct revenue stream from your audience.
  • Websites:

Utilizing a combination of these tools can help you effectively monetize your Web Stories through various channels, including advertising, affiliate marketing, direct sales, subscriptions, and sponsored content. Each tool offers unique features and benefits, so it’s important to choose those that best match your content strategy and audience needs.


In conclusion, Web Stories represent a powerful medium for storytelling in the digital age, offering creators an immersive way to engage audiences. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, from crafting compelling content to effectively monetizing your stories, you can transform your creative efforts into a profitable venture.

Leveraging SEO, social media, and the right tools for monetization are key to unlocking the potential of Web Stories. As you embark on this journey, remember that consistency, creativity, and engagement are your best allies. With dedication and the right approach, your Web Stories can not only captivate audiences but also contribute significantly to your income.

Read More: How to Make Money Online: Top 6 Ways

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